I always ensured that pieces that were designed to either join with epoxy or were designed to sit flush like the hood and hull be placed down on the print bed. Some parts required breaking apart to fit on my sized bed and other parts required supports, but overall, most parts simply printed. The STL files from Thingiverse are great quality and built with great precision. I used PLA on a Maylan M180 printer and Simplyf圓D software on Linux. I didn’t want to simply print a block of a ski, but something that works. Just like the original, this project will not only include the model, but further expand (in future issues) into a fully working Radio Controlled version with decals.
I came across a model made by zxcvbn on Thingiverse ( ) whilst not exactly a 550 came close to what I was looking for. So after seeing the old school models of the 550 I wanted my own model, but could not come to pay the price I have seen them on eBay.